

Mus is a card game with a Basque Navarre origin and well-known in Spain.

  • Players - 4 participants forming duos.  The players from the same team sit facing each other.
  • Deck - Traditional 40 cards Spanish deck (no eights, nines and jokers). In this game, the suits aren't important, only the numeric value of the cards.
  • Cards value:
    • The figures (Kings, Jacks, Queens) and the number three cards = 10 points.
    • Aces and number two cards = 1 point
    • The other are worth their own numeric value.
  • Distribution - 4 cards each player.
  • Objective - Win the game. A game consists in 3 matches. To win a match you need to socre 40 points.

Scoring While the individual value of each card indicates which combinations can be done, the player must consider the scoring criteria when it's time to decide which combination he/she will choose.

This is because the maximum score is calculated based in what cards the duo has on their pile at the end of each hand:

THE DUO THAT HAS: SCORES In case of a tie:
More cards 1 point No one scores
More cards from Diamonds suit () 1 point No one scores
The "First" 1 point No one scores
The "7 Bello" (7) 1 point -
More Scopas 1 point each scopa -

For the final score, all points from each hand are summed up. Wins the team that reaches first the maximum score choosen at the begining of the match (11, 16 or 21 points).

Understanding the "First"

For calculating the First, you must check the pile of each duo and consider only the highest card from each suit, following the value scale below:

CARD 7 6 A 5 4 3 2 J Q K
VALUE 21 18 16 15 14 13 12 10 10 10

Mus is a betting game, that has its own vocabulary. In each play you can envidar (bet) the number of tantos(points or pieces) that you want (minimum of two) or playing all the cards, in what is known as a órdago. The match division is similar to the sets on a tenis game, being the match dividing in “vacas” (sets) and each “vaca”, in “juegos“ (games). The winner is the duo that wins a match first.

Each game hhand consists in four plays called lances that are played in the following order:

  • Grande: the combinations with the highest card value are the best.
  • Chica: the combinations with the lowest card value are the best.
  • Pares: the combinations with more cards of the same value and with the highest values are the best.
  • Juego: consists in scoring 31 or more, with the sum of the cards value. If no one reachs this score, the game will be played 'al punto' (at point), to see which player has more points with his/her cards. The best combination will be the one closest to 30. If there is a tie in any of this cases, the player that started is the winner.

At the end of the turn, the score won with the bets is calculated, than a new hand is started.


Movement Rules

  • The pieces move a tile each turn, horizontally or vertically (exception: Soldier).
  • No piece can move diagonally, jump over other pieces, or move to a tile that already has a piece.
  • It's not allowed to jump or move inside the lakes.
  • Just one piece can move each turn.
  • The Soldier(2) can move as many free tiles as he wants, horizontally and vertically. He can also move and attack at the same turn.
  • A piece can't move more than 5 times, without a pause, between two tiles.

Attack Rules

  • Whenever a piece of yours is side by side with a piece of the adversary, horizontally or vertically, they're in attack positon.
  • The piece with the lowest value is removed from the board. If the winner piece is the attacker, it moves to the captured piece position. If the winner was attacked, it stays where it was.
  • When two pieces of the same value attack each other, both are removed from the board.
  • The attack is always optional.

Special Attack Rules

  • Bomb and Defuser(3): All pieces that attack a bomb, are removed from the board. Except for the Defuser, that disarms and captures the Bomb.

  • Marshal(10) and Spy(1): The Marshal winsfrom all other pieces of lower value, being captured only if attacked by the Spy. In case the Marshal attacks the Spy first, he wins.

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